I'm very pleased they're both done, though. Only 'Autumn' left to stitch now, but that will be her christmas 2009 gift, so I won't start on that just yet.
I am currently stitching the Bothy Threads 'Dictionary of Bras' that Bob bought for my Valentines gift. I'm on the 3rd bra (ZeBRA) and I'm really enjoying stitching it. It's such a fun design and the colours are great.
I have my huge 'real counties of Britain' to do. It's blackwork, so no worries about lots of colour changing, but it's massive! Not sure how I'll manage to stitch it, or where it'll hang once it's done.
I also started an engagement sampler years ago, which I should finish. And I am almost done stitching a motorbike (and Grandma keeps asking how it's coming along! No idea why she's fixated with this particular WIP).
And there's the Winnie The Pooh millenium sampler which is part done....
Oooh-just remembered that I stitched an Easter design years ago-should really get that out on display as it's Easter week.
Very nice L*K pieces & the bra piece looks like lots of fun. Hope all the stitching plans work out. Have a good Easter break. :0)
Thanks! Just had to unpick some of the background on the bra piece-used 2 strands, when it should be one. Duh!
Hope you have a great Easter too.
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